home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 rem: ***english darts***
- 2 :
- 5 rem: ***initialization***
- 7 :
- 10 c$=chr$(147):d$=chr$(17):h$=chr$(19):f$=chr$(144):rf$=chr$(146):ro$=chr$(18)
- 20 c1$=chr$(28):c2$=chr$(30):c3$=chr$(31):c4$=chr$(156):c5$=chr$(158):bc=53280
- 30 c6$=chr$(159):v=53248:cl=646:s=102:na$="*english darts*":a$="":sn$="":b$=""
- 40 rd=1:poke53281,1:pokebc,9:fork=0to62:reada:poke832+k,a:next
- 50 fork=0to62:reada:poke896+k,a:next:fork=49152to49245:reada:pokek,a:next
- 60 poke49152+19,0:poke2041,13:poke2042,14:poke2043,14:poke2044,14:sys49152
- 62 :
- 65 rem: ***billboard***
- 67 :
- 70 gosub750:gosub620:print:print:printf$tab(12)na$:gosub740
- 80 printc2$ro$tab(13)" which game? ":print:printtab(8)"301 "ro$" <1> ";
- 90 printrf$" or 501 "ro$" <2> ":print
- 100 getk$:k=val(k$):ifk<1ork>2then100
- 110 ifk=1thenga=301:goto130
- 120 ga=501
- 130 printro$tab(7)" number of players? "rf$" (1-7)"
- 140 getk$:z=val(k$):ifz<1orz>7then140
- 150 gosub650
- 152 :
- 155 rem: ***screen print***
- 157 :
- 160 pokebc,1:printh$ro$" "na$" ":rem* -11- and -8- spaces
- 170 printc5$ro$" player number "rf$pp;
- 180 printc3$ro$tab(20)" dart number "rf$th
- 190 printc4$ro$" round score "rf$rs;
- 200 printc1$ro$tab(20)" round number "rf$rd
- 210 printc2$ro$" current score "rf$tp(pp);
- 220 printc6$ro$tab(20)" # of players "rf$z:gosub740:fork=1toz:cc=k+1:pokecl,cc
- 230 printro$tab(21)" player # "rf$k;:printtp(k):next:gosub740
- 240 printc4$tab(1)a$:print:printf$tab(7)sn$:print:printc4$tab(4)b$:print
- 245 ifth>3thengosub720:fork=1to9:pokev+k,0:next:gosub650:goto160
- 250 poke198,0:gosub720:printc5$"press "ro$f$"<key>"rf$c5$" to toss"
- 252 :
- 255 rem: ***throw sequence***
- 257 :
- 260 fork=1664to1683:pokek,32:next:fork=1744to1763:pokek,32:next
- 270 fork=1824to1843:pokek,32:next:ifth=1thenq=4:w=5:y=215:g=6:goto300
- 280 ifth=2thenq=6:w=7:y=211:g=14:goto300
- 290 ifth=3thenq=8:w=9:y=219:g=30
- 300 pokev+21,g:pokev+23,2:pokev+29,28:fork=1toz:ifk=ppthencc=k+1:goto320
- 310 next
- 320 pokev+40,11:fork=41to43:pokev+k,cc:next:pokev+2,255:pokev+3,90
- 330 forl=90to110:pokev+q,30:pokev+w,l:ifpeek(198)=1then370
- 340 fort=1to10:nextt:nextl
- 350 forl=110to90step-1:pokev+q,30:pokev+w,l:ifpeek(198)=1then370
- 360 fort=1to10:nextt:nextl:goto330
- 370 fork=1904to1923:pokek,32:next:pokev+q,0:pokev+w,0:poke198,0:pokev+21,g
- 380 fork=30toy:pokev+q,k:pokev+w,l:next:gosub730:r=n:gosub730:d=n
- 390 a=0:fork=80to99:a=a+1:ifl=kthen430
- 400 next
- 410 a=21:fork=101to110:a=a-2:ifl=kthen430
- 420 next:ifl=100thena=50
- 430 ifa=50thenb=a:a$="you threw a...":sn$="bullseye!":goto480
- 440 ifa=randa=dthenb=a*3:a$="you threw a triple":goto470
- 450 ifa=rthenb=a*2:a$="you threw a double":goto470
- 460 b=a:a$="you threw a single"
- 470 sn$=str$(a)
- 480 b$="for"+str$(b)+" points":tp(pp)=tp(pp)+b:rs=rs+b
- 485 iftp(pp)=gathenfork=1to9:pokev+k,0:next:goto560
- 490 iftp(pp)>gathenfork=1to9:pokev+k,0:next:goto520
- 500 th=th+1:goto160
- 512 :
- 515 rem: ***broke statement***
- 517 :
- 520 pokebc,2:gosub750:gosub620:gosub740
- 530 printc4$tab(14)"you threw"b:print:printtab(18)"and":print
- 540 printf$tab(14)"b*r*o*k*e!!":printc4$:gosub720:tp(pp)=tp(pp)-b
- 550 rs=0:th=1:gosub650:fork=1to9:pokev+k,0:next:goto160
- 552 :
- 555 rem: ***winner statement***
- 557 :
- 560 pokebc,5:gosub750:gosub620:gosub740:printc4$tab(5)na$" winner is..."
- 570 print:gosub720:printf$tab(10)"player number"pp:print
- 572 print:printc4$tab(8)"see final scores? (y/n)"
- 574 getk$:ifk$=""then574
- 576 ifk$="y"thenpp=z:nu=1:goto650
- 577 ifk$="n"then580
- 578 ifk$<>"y"ork$<>"n"then574
- 579 gosub740
- 580 print:printc5$ro$tab(10)" play again? "rf$" (y/n)"
- 590 getk$:ifk$=""then590
- 595 ifk$="y"thenclr:goto10
- 600 printc$:gosub740:printc2$tab(12)na$:print:printtab(17)"e*n*d":gosub720
- 610 pokev+21,0:printc$:end
- 612 :
- 615 rem: ***sprite logo***
- 617 :
- 620 pokev+21,30:pokev+23,2:pokev+29,28:pokev+40,12:pokev+41,11:pokev+42,12
- 630 pokev+43,15:pokev+2,180:pokev+3,100:pokev+4,144:pokev+5,104:pokev+6,147
- 640 pokev+7,111:pokev+8,142:pokev+9,118:return
- 642 :
- 645 rem: ***next player/box score subroutine***
- 647 :
- 650 pokebc,5:gosub750:gosub620:th=1:rs=0:pp=pp+1:ifpp>zthen680
- 660 gosub740:printc2$tab(8)"player number"f$pp;:printc2$"up next":gosub720
- 670 fork=1to9:pokev+k,0:next:a$="":sn$="":b$="":printc$:return
- 680 print:print:printc2$ro$tab(4)" player number "tab(25)" points ":print:print
- 690 fork=1toz:cc=k+1:pokecl,cc:printtab(10)k;:printtab(26)tp(k):print:next
- 700 printh$:fork=1to22:printd$;:next:printc4$ro$tab(12)" press any key "
- 710 poke198,0:wait198,1:poke198,0:rd=rd+1:pp=0:ifnu=1thengosub750:goto579
- 711 goto650
- 712 :
- 715 rem: ***time delay subroutine***
- 717 :
- 720 fort=1to1500:next:return
- 722 :
- 725 rem: ***random subroutine***
- 727 :
- 730 n=int(20*rnd(0))+1:return
- 732 :
- 735 rem: ***center subroutine***
- 737 :
- 740 printh$:fork=1to15:printd$;:next:return
- 742 :
- 745 rem: ***border subroutine***
- 747 :
- 750 printc$:pokecl,7:fork=1024to1063:pokek,s:next:fork=1024to1984step40:pokek,s
- 760 next:fork=1063to2023step40:pokek,s:next:fork=1984to2023:pokek,s:next:return
- 762 :
- 765 rem: ***data***
- 767 :
- 770 data0,16,0,0,56,0,0,85
- 771 data0,0,146,0,1,17,0,2
- 772 data56,128,5,85,64,8,146,32
- 773 data17,85,16,34,56,136,127,255
- 774 data252,34,56,136,17,85,16,8
- 775 data146,32,5,85,64,2,56,128
- 776 data1,17,0,0,146,0,0,84
- 777 data0,0,56,0,0,16,0,0
- 778 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 779 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 780 data0,0,0,0,240,0,0,127
- 781 data0,0,63,254,0,31,255,255
- 782 data63,254,0,127,0,0,254,0
- 783 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 784 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 785 data0,0,0,0,0,0,173,21
- 786 data192,141,22,192,120,169,24,141
- 787 data20,3,169,192,141,21,3,88
- 788 data96,5,0,20,0,0,206,22
- 789 data192,208,61,173,21,192,141,22
- 790 data192,173,33,208,41,15,141,20
- 791 data192,160,0,132,251,169,216,133
- 792 data252,238,23,192,173,23,192,41
- 793 data1,170,177,251,41,15,205,19
- 794 data192,240,5,205,20,192,208,5
- 795 data189,19,192,145,251,200,208,234
- 796 data230,252,165,252,201,220,208,226
- 797 data76,49,234,52